Patient Medical History and Intake Form

Patient Medical History and Intake Form

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Patient Medical History and Intake Form

Discovery Well Being Infusion Lounge & Injection Bar
Date: __________________________
Name: ____________________________________________________________
DOB:____________________    Age: ________
Address: __________________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________Email: __________________________________
Reason for visit: __________________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact: __________________________________________________________________
Please briefly describe why you are seeking IV infusion or injection therapy? For example: Are you looking to improve your energy, skin/hair/nail quality, recovery times, immune system, or hydration status? Are you seeking treatment for a hangover or looking to feel and look better?
Allergies (Medications, foods, etc.) Are you allergic to sulfa drugs? Eggs?
Current Medications: (Please include OTC & supplements)
Please check any conditions that apply to you:
 High Blood Pressure              Asthma
 Heart Murmur                        COPD
 Valve Disorder                       Sleep Apnea
 Abnormal Rhythm                 Shortness of Breath
 Chest Pain                              Pulmonary Hypertension
 Heart Attack                           Lung Cancer
 Cardiac Surgery/Stents          Other Lung Disorder _____________________
 Congestive Heart Failure       Other Cardiac Disorder ___________________
 Peripheral Artery Disease
 Thrombosis or DVT
 Aneurysm
 Acid Reflux                 Liver Disease
 Bladder Disease           Hepatitis A, B, C
 Kidney Disease            Other _________________________
 Hyper/Hypo Thyroid             Rheumatoid Arthritis
 Diabetes Type I Type II         Hx of Diabetic ketoacidosis
 Lupus                                   Other ______________________
 Stroke/TIA
 Multiple Sclerosis     Parkinson’s
 Seizures – date of last seizure _______________     Alzheimer’s
 Anemia (Iron Deficiency, Pernicious, Aplastic, Hemolytic, Sickle Cell)
 MTHFR polymorphism
 G6PD Deficiency
 Back Pain                             Degenerative Joint Disease
 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome       Degenerative Disk Disease
 Fibromyalgia                         Other_________________________
 Depression
 Anxiety or Panic Attacks
 Suicidal Ideations
 Location of Cancer _____________________________
 Chemotherapy
 Radiation
 Hormone or Biological Therapy
WOMEN (non-menopausal)
Last Menstrual Period ________________________
Any Chance You Are Pregnant? ______________
Are You Currently Breastfeeding? ________________
 Chronic regional pain syndrome
 Headaches/Migraines
 Musculoskeletal Pain
 Nerve Pain
Do you drink alcohol or use recreational drugs? If so, please explain: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Have you ever had an electrolyte or fluid imbalance in the past? Such as low potassium, high sodium, etc.?
Would you like to tell us anything else that you feel like is important?
I attest that the information I have provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge:
Signature                                                                           Date
Print name